Wednesday 20 May 2015

The Corporation questions

1 ) What is the principal purpose of this documentary? 

I believe the purpose of this documentary is to get people to question corporate profits, and the balance to society versus shareholders. (to think critically about corporate responsibility)

2) What does the film critique? How do you know that? 

The film critiques how the responsibility of businesses has changed from a common goal (i.e. building bridges for society) to profits for the share holders (private/shareholders) as stated early in the film

3) What methods did the filmmaker use to increase public awareness about Corporate responsibility and affect people’s beliefs and behaviour?

 They used film footage in black and white and they had children in the documentary. They compared wages vs cost of resale items (example Nike clothing) in the United States; workers earned $0.74, and items sold for $178.

4) Which methods of theirs did you think were most effective in supporting their position on corporate responsibility. Why? 

The use of children because of their innocence, loss of childhood, exploitation and you can relate to them more and that makes you want to protect them more.

The use of black and white photography because it makes it look more depressing, desperate and serious, plus it makes it look like its not a developing country. It emphasizes the differences between the company and us. 

5) Did you have any issues with this documentary? What were some parts that you did not agree with, or question. Why? 

Some of the issues I had with this documentary is I found it too long (2hrs) and it was not a documentary I enjoyed. I didn't enjoy it because  they made it seem like profit is a negative thing and I thought more footage of the working environment was needed. They also compared businesses with humans when they said that businesses have no souls nor conscience. That was a poor comparison and not relatable.

6) Describe another film you have watched that had an impact on your values. How and why did that happen? 

Another film I watched that had an impact on my values was Bowling for Columbine. This had an impact on my values because now I think more about the mental health of a gunman rather then just start blaming entertainment or music. Bowling for Columbine doesn't just talk about big corporations but gun control and mental health.

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